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The colour of the sin


In a small town located at the middle of the mountains in the South of France, in XVIII century, a beautiful girl with her skin so white like the snow, rose lips and clear eyes. Nemo was abandoned by her parents in the middle of the woods, far away from the town.


The forest were lonely and dimly lit because the branches and leaves of the trees that were on top of these let see some few rays of light. There were of all sizes, types and besides the wide range of green that can be seen in these. Her cabin was small and cozy with some worn furniture, curtains and some few utensils in the kitchen.


Her parents decided abandoned Nemo for her safety, trying to avoid any danger or tragedy in her future life due to the colour of her hair and eyes,   which were quite unusual and striking. In this time the people with these characteristics were considered witch and they were tortured and killed. Nemo's parents wanted to avoid this for her little child and they took this painful, but necessary, decision letting her with a wolf as her guardian.

The little and young girl, despite her age, was quite intelligent and she knew, when saw her parents, that would be the last time when her mother  kissed her and her father holding her in his arms. Her brother, Michel, constantly visited her when he had the chance to do it and usually helped her with food like Romulo and Remo story.


Nemo grew up with  time and became a tall, thin and beautiful young girl, her skin was a bit tanned and with freckles because she used to spend  time outdoors, her lips were rose and had a straight long hair of color of leaves them from autumn. His brother usually tought her essential things for her life and survival and she was learnt quickly.


Sometimes Nemo and Michel went into the forrest and looked for food, clean water and wood for the bonfire. Nemo loved fire because she felt  warmth, which perhaps she did not have when she was a child. With the colours of the fire she felt identified because her hair and eyes looked exactly like this and sometimes she felt sleep observed the fire.


One day the snow began to fall, the winter had arrived, low temperatures and cold days were witness of this. The trees not produced fruit and the lakes were frozen it was impossible for Nemo and Michel to get food and the few reserves that had were ending. One night the two brothers were in the cabin sheltering from the cold and several days had passed since the last time they ate. While Nemo slept happened something unexpected, due to the scarcity of food, Michel felt overwhelmed, his instinct gripped his body and exceeded any trace of sentiment toward Nemo faded when he launched towards it and his appetite was satiated.











































































































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